Tag Archives: Camera

Funny Photo Friday

On Friday’s I try to post a photography joke to lighten the mood and this post has that. But first I wanted to thank everyone for an amazing day yesterday! Somehow, my last bog post ended up on “freshly pressed.” I don’t know who made the call to post my blog there but THANK YOU! That was amazing and I’m so happy someone thought what I was blogging about was interesting enough to be put on there.

THANK YOU to all the new people who have read my blog, left a comment (a lot of people said Hi!), subscribed or liked my post!!! That means a lot to me 🙂 And thank you to everyone who read my blog before and have pushed me to keep doing this! I hope people come back to my little blog and I don’t let you all down.

And now back to our regular programming…

So these guys take photography seriously…and they have this viral video to prove it.

Come on photographers…if you don’t find that a little humorous then you aren’t having enough fun with photography.


Filed under Photography

Random Pic During Dead Week: The Roof of the Legion of Honor

It’s dead week at UCLA. That means I have to actually do all the reading that I have been putting off. Thus there will be a lot less picture taking, blogging, tweeting and facebooking.

I also left the cord that connects my camera to my PC at home. So I literally can’t up load pictures.

Good luck to everyone with finials!!! Hope you like this picture (it was taken a long time ago)

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Filed under Photography