Tag Archives: Goals

Photography Review: 2011

2011 has been a crazy year! I graduated from UCLA, got a job, moved cities and got my own apartment. 2011 was also a big year for my photography. Having the opportunity to photograph so many gorgeous, happy, brave and inspiring people was fantastic!!! I learned something from every shoot. It was a blast getting to know everyone.

Here are some of the photos I took in 2011:

Becca Barrett Photography


Becca Barrett Photography


Becca Barrett Photography


Becca Barrett Photography

Becca Barrett Photography


Becca Barrett Photography

Becca Barrett Photography

Becca Barrett Photography

Becca Barrett Photography


Becca Barrett Photography

Okay, so I didn’t take that last photo. My sister did. But it is my favorite pic of me this year, at my graduation. I can not wait to see what 2012 brings!

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Filed under Photography

(Photography) Goals for 2012

My boss likes to say “the first step in meeting a goal, is setting a one.” With that in mind here are my photography goals for 2012.

1)      Become better at posing people

Posing people has to be one of my biggest weaknesses as a photographer. I often get stuck in a shoot. Furthermore facebook photos have created the standard, hand-on-hip, twist your torso and smile look, as good posing. I understand why girls do this pose: it is very flattering. However if you are using the same poses in every photograph you are recreating the same photos over and over again, just with different people.

I sincerely want to move away from that. I want my photo shoots to be as individualized as possible. Each time I shoot I am photographing a different person, in a different part of their life, with a different story. The posing should be a part of telling the story.

2)      Focus more on writing in the blog

I am REALLY dyslexic! I am sure it shows in my writing. I have poor spelling and bad grammar. Because of this I have shied away from posting blogs with too much writing in them. However, I have decided that photos cannot stand alone. Photography is about telling a story but words help tell that story. National Geographic does not just stick a bunch of really nice photos in a magazine and call it a day. No! They pair the photographs with articles. It is time for me to do the same.

 3)      Meet more photographers

I really do believe that meeting other people who are doing what you are doing is a great way to learn. Every time I talk to another photographer about photography I learn something new: tips about new locations, poses, fashion trends or how to deal with clients. I find that by swapping stories, lessons are learned and friendships are made. I become better because I know good people and I learn with them. That is true in every aspect of my life. Photography is no different.

4)      Have enough couples photos to create a couples page on the site

Someone recently told me that the type of photos you put out there, are the type of clients you attract. Basically, if you want to shoot senior photos then profile senior photos on your blog and if you want to shoot weddings then profile weddings. I think I have the senior/profile photos covered (though I don’t want to stop doing them) but I feel I have not shot enough couples. I would really like to do more couples/engagement photography. In 2012 I am really going to work on building that portfolio.

 5)      Get  a new laptop

I am currently working on a 6-year-old laptop my mom got me my senior year of high school. I love that computer more than anyone can possibly know but it is time for a new one.

6)      Get Photoshop (I love you GIMP but it is time to move on)

I am currently using GIMP to edit my photos. It is a great FREE online software but if I want to take my photography to the next level… it is time to upgrade and get Photoshop.

7)      Invest some money in a pro WordPress site

Investing a little more into my website is the next move to establish my online photography “brand.” Showing I’m serious by investing a little money in my site (aka how the world mostly views my work) is a good thing. I would also like my blog to expand it is content next year. I think it would be good to do more than just show my photos, random quotes or stories of what I’m up too… that gets really boring. Next year I would like to post more interviews with photographers, have more “how to posts” and more posts that get clients ready for their shoot. My blog needs more information!

 8)      Be comfortable enough with my skill to raise my prices

Charging people for photos still seems strange. However I am beginning to understand how people can make a full-time living off of it. Being a photographer is a lot of work. You have to scout locations for shoots, do pre shoot prep work, shoot the event and the edit all the photos! It takes an awful lot of time. And I am coming to realize my time is valuable. I work a lot hours in my day job. So my free time is a valuable recourse.

I am also noticing that as I become a better photographer I am more confident in asking to be paid. I know I can produce at least a few good photos and I know that I am at least a little better than some other photographers out there…I am still not great. I am probably not even good. But I am okay. And that is better than I was before. I should have confidence in my work and realize it is okay to ask to be rewarded for it.

9)      Do some street photography!

I do not always get to book shoots as frequently as I would like. When this happens it is easy not to pick up my camera for a while because I have “nothing” to shoot. The major lesson of 2011 was that the more I shoot the better I become. I NEED to shoot more!!! With that in mind, I think street photography will help me do that. There is no excuse not to do street photography. I can do it on my own time, anywhere I am. It is perfect for me and my crazy schedule!

 10)   Read more about photography and about photographers

There is a lot to be learned from reading books. However, I don’t think I have read many books about photography or about other photographers. Time to change this… it is easy enough.

So these are my photography goals for 2012. Wish me luck!!!


Filed under Personal

101 in 1001

I found this really cool idea on another photographers website.  Gail Werner is a photographer, like, a real photographer.  I ran across her blog a few months ago.  She was traveling all over Europe and all I could think was -Gah, I want to do that.  Travel Europe and take photos.  Perfect!

From there I looked at her past posts and I love what she does.  Her photos are crisp, young and colorful.  But what I really liked was this idea “101 in 1001.”  She apparently got the idea from another photographer.  Basically, it’s a list of 101 things you want to do in 1001 days…which roughly adds up to 3 years.  This seemed so cool to me.  I’m in my last year of college and there is so much I want to do!  The best part is, the next three years are probably going to be the best time to do it.

So here it is, my 101 in 1001 list:

  1. Graduate college
  2. Launch a “Show It” website
  3. Visit Liverpool
  4. After seeing family in Liverpool I have to explore the rest of Europe
  5. Ride in a hot air balloon
  6. Get a job after college
  7. Attend a Augie Chang Photography workshop
  8. Come up with three words to describe my photography
  9. Have photo business cards
  10. Be comfortable with my body
  11. Live in my own apartment
  12. Go to Hawaii
  13. Change from Pentax to Cannon
  14. Get photoshop
  15. Learn to do yoga
  16. Attend a Jasmine Star Photography workshop
  17. Buy a new (used) car
  18. Shoot 20 weddings
  19. Get a cool new lens
  20. Stop drinking soda
  21. Go snowboarding
  22. Visit Washington D.C.
  23. Buy a Shoot Sack Bag
  24. Work on a local election campaign and win….
  25. Go sailing
  26. Learn to cook
  27. Write down all the things I like to cook and make a cook book
  28. Pay down half my college loans ($20,000)
  29. See a play
  30. Attend WPPI
  31. Post on photography forums
  32. Be a second shooter
  33. Take a photo class at either UCLA or community college
  34. Sit on the beach and read
  35. Get a new laptop
  36. Create a pricing booklet for photography
  37. Have my picture taken professionally
  38. Go to the gym at UCLA at least 3 days a week for a quarter
  39. Go to Disneyland
  40. Eat Healthier…less sweets
  41. Go to Platform 9 and 3/4
  42. Go to Santa Barbara
  43. Go to San Diego
  44. Meet President Obama
  45. Blog 5 days a week for 6 months
  46. Get a good score on the GRE’s
  47. Go see a Red Sox’s game
  48. Apply to Grad schools
  49. Dye my hair red
  50. Dye my hair blonde
  51. Get an iPad
  52. Go to Turkey
  53. Go to India
  54. Run a half marathon
  55. Own a nice suit
  56. Send Christmas cards
  57. Learn to meditate
  58. Create a coffee table book of family photos for my mom
  59. Visit my grandpa’s grave
  60. Stop chewing the sides of my fingers
  61. Get published on an online wedding site
  62. Take a business class
  63. Hike up to the Hollywood sign
  64. Take mum on a “girls” trip
  65. Go to Las Vegas
  66. Go horseback riding
  67. Go rafting
  68. ….
  69. ok, so I haven’t thought of 101 things yet…but I have three years,  other things will come up.


Filed under Personal, Photography