Tag Archives: fear

Running Back Into the Rabbit Hole

I haven’t been blogging lately.  Even worse, I haven’t been shooting. I don’t know why this happens but sometimes I just get into a funk. I like to think of it as “running back into the rabbit hole.” You see, with blogging and photography I feel like I have to put myself out there a lot. It’s kinda like creeping out of my hiding place….Which makes me feel super uncomfortable. In return for feeling mass amounts of uncomfortableness, (is that even a word?!?) I hope to become a better photographer. And I do see that happening. I can go back to old posts and see a evloution in my photography.

But then I get scared. I realize how bad of a photographer I was and that I might have gotten two steps better. That realization freaks me out. What if I still actually suck? What if, to get way better I have to totally commit to photography and leave other interests behind? What if I always suck?

Those question swirl around in my head for a long time and it makes it difficult for me to pick up my camera or blog. I’m going to try and push myself out of it though. I’m hoping to post more about photo classes I’ve recently taken, shoots that I’ve been on, books that I’ve read, future post-college life plans and again lots more photos! We will see how this goes.


Filed under Personal

Follow 1,000 Little Light Bulbs To Success

I spend a lot of my day on photography blogs. Like I almost stalk (in as none creepy a way possible) some of the really great lifestyle photographers out there. I follow them on facebook and twitter and RELIGIOUSLY (and I mean that) read their blogs.

It seems someone got all my favorite photographers together and filmed them talking about what they think success is. It is a really great video. I hope that I am half as successful as them in my chosen career. WATCH this video. It is SOOOO inspiring!!!

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Filed under Photography

I Did What???

Yes, internet.  I climbed that ladder.  All in the name of photography.  Yesterday Andrae and I met up to take some head shot photos.  See Andrae is a bit of an aspiring actor, along with actually being a radio host, student and political activist.  We talked about places to shoot and he really wanted to use the roof of a building…I just didn’t know that climbing that ladder would be part of getting there.

Needless to say, this scarred-y cat is quite proud of herself for climbing that ladder.  Andrae’s photos will be up next week. Happy Friday everyone!!!

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Filed under Photography